One of the most panic-inducing things to have happen is to break down on the side of the road. This is a road hazard to yourself and others, but it also means you face repair bills unless you can fix the problem yourself. How do you select the right mechanic for your needs? The following advice will help you get the best service.
Don’t take an emergency car kit for granted. You ought to assemble a kit consisting of tire change tools, battery charger and a gas can. Also pack a few blankets, some batteries, and a good flashlight.
Referrals are a great method for finding a great auto mechanic. Get recommendations from family and friends. This allows you to ask about the price, quality of work and satisfaction. These people will be able to inform you of their experience with the mechanic.
Wash your car often so you can prevent rust. Cars eventually rust, but you can put off the process by washing off chemicals or salt quickly. A good wax is your best friend: a friend that will protect that shiny new paint job for a long time.
Check with your mechanic to see of they have experience working with the make of your vehicle. Yes, every car has an engine, a radiator, and a gas tank, but how they are built will vary greatly from vehicle to vehicle. It may be worth the extra cost to have a specialized dealer fix a major problem with your car.
You should always test drive your vehicle after getting some repairs done on it. This way you can avoid paying for repairs that were not finished correctly. Lots of people skip this practice and they might end up not solving the issue they initially came in for.
Wiper Blades
Never neglect your windshield wiper blades. You may need new blades if they are streaking or making noises. Wiper blades should at least be changed yearly, and sometimes you need to do this more often.
Make sure you are receiving OEM parts. This means that they’ve come directly from the manufacturer. It’s cheaper to get the generic parts, but the quality may not be the same. Getting a good deal on generic parts means you might have to purchase the same parts again and pay a mechanic to change them within the next few years.
Before going with a particular shop, get auto repair feedback from your friends. Their thoughts can make the whole search a lot simpler. For any recommendation, research them. Online reviews can give you a quick overview of anyone that you have in mind.

Be sure that you make a note of your oil change schedule. The oil should be replaced after so many miles, and it is important that you keep track. When your car does not get its oil changed on schedule, its life span can be shortened, so be sure that you remember the schedule.
If your headlights seem dim, they might just be dirty. Sometimes the road can create a greasy residue on the headlight. Be sure to clean them with a strong glass solvent in order to get the best light possible.
Whenever you get gas, check the pressure in your tires. Inspect your tires at this time, looking for anything that has become embedded. If there appears to be a problem, have it checked out as soon as possible. You don’t want to have to drive around with bad tires.
If you need collision repair, it is smart to take photos before you give your car to the body shop. Most shops are reputable but there are always a few bad apples out there. You should document what the vehicle looks like in case you experience this terrible thing.
If you’re having serious repairs done on your vehicle, make sure to get multiple estimates. Most shops are reliable but some mechanics will find additional repairs to charge you more. Find a shop that has a reputation for deal with your make of car. Shops like these understand your car through and through.
Avoid diagnosing your own car problems. You are not the expert, and you must remember this. Do not assume an issue can be fixed easily, unless you have previous experience with this type of issue. Let a professional diagnose the issue. Give them every detail about what happened and if there were any sounds associated with the problem, and let them diagnose the trouble.
Warranties serve an important purpose when your car is repaired, especially when you buy expensive parts. Ask the mechanic about any warranties on parts they ordered for you. Ask about the length of the warranty, and ask to be provided with a written copy of it.
Avoid attaching your car keys to a heavy key chain or detach your keys every time you drive. The ignition isn’t designed to hold tons of weight. It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t appear heavy to you. If your key starts sticking, you need to get new tumblers and no longer use that little troll head keychain!
It can be hard to find a reliable mechanic. However, when you have the right information, the process becomes easier. Understanding what things you need to look out for and what questions you should ask will give you a big advantage. The next time your vehicle plays up, keep this advice in the front of your mind.